Event Reports

Susan Chatlos-Susor’s Report on 2022 Annual Meeting

The election for the BOD was held as part of our 2022 Annual Meeting on March 5, 2022 .  CHECK BACK LATER FOR A FULL REPORT. The all-volunteer BOD now looks like this: officers are President Susan Chatlos-Susor, VP Susan Cross, Secretary David Meir, and Treasurer Bill Cross. Regular members are Molly Chachulski, Kathy Corson, Ann Darlington, Lenny Gugala, Bob Hubbard, Brad Jernberg, Louise Lindgren, Saeid Rastegar, and Kevin Teague (who used to be our connection with SnoCo Parks, and now works for Sammamish Parks). It is a robust and dedicated group whose work will continue as local stewards of Heybrook Ridge County Park.  For details on the 2022 Board election follow this link.  

Ann Darlington’s Report on 2021 Annual Meeting

The election for the BOD was held as part of our 2021 Annual Meeting on April 12th.  The all-volunteer BOD now looks like this: officers are President Susan Chatlos-Susor, VP Susan Cross, Secretary David Meir, and Treasurer Bill Cross. Regular members are Molly Chachulski, Kathy Corson, Ann Darlington, Lenny Gugala, Bob Hubbard, Brad Jernberg, Louise Lindgren, Saeid Rastegar, and Kevin Teague (who used to be our connection with SnoCo Parks, and now works for Sammamish Parks). It is a robust and dedicated group whose work will continue as local stewards of Heybrook Ridge County Park.  For details on the 2021 Board election follow this link.  

At the ZOOM meeting Ann presented the 3 on-going projects for the Park. The 3 projects are shown on the overview map.   Here’s a quick update on each project: 
1) The Lower Heybrook project’s Federal grant (via the Land and Water Conservation Fund) and WA State-administered contract finally came through in January of this year (2021). There is now available a total of $432,000 (for use over the next 2 years) for SnoCo Parks to make the following ADA-compatible improvements: completion of the Erinswood Trail, to include modest realignment of the trail for watershed protection, compressed rock surfacing, and interpretive signage along the trail; 2 or 3 tarred parking spots designated for vehicles carrying wheelchairs; and a toilet facility compatible with its wetlands-protected location.
2) In June,  2020, SnoCo Parks and FOHR together applied for a Snohomish County Conservation Futures grant for the purchase of 3 lots on the top of the Ridge (aka the “Heybrook Ridge County Park-South Addition”). We were “runners up” for the limited funds, and were encouraged to reapply for an early round this Spring. We tried again and this time, the application was awarded the ~$210,000 grant. The sale will be completed very soon, and those 3 lots visible from town and up and down the North Fork will be spared from private development or logging, and added to the Park, just as the seller intended. The current main (“Leovy”) trail abuts the new property, and one day the Park will have a loop trail that will take some of the heavy use pressure off Leovy, as well as preserve our forested view of Heybrook Ridge. The realtor for the sale, Dawna Finley, deserves a shout-out for her part in guiding to completion this private-to-public land transfer.
3) Progress is also being made on the 3rd main project: the creation of an open air “Memory Shelter” and its awesome view of Canyon Falls. Located on the “Annex” property (purchased and donated by FOHR in 2014), the shelter was conceived by Neil McWee, who has donated beaucoup hours of work as well as the project’s initial funding. The shelter will be made from the trees felled to create the sightline to the Falls. Its foundation was roughed in from local boulders, moved and placed by nearby neighbor Eric Malm. The project has full SnoCo Parks approval, and its future funding will be provided by FOHR. Currently, SnoCo and Neil are in pursuit of a structural engineer’s review of Neil’s model so that development can continue. Plans are also in the works for a connecting trail from Leovy to the Memory Shelter, and from there to the Forest Service’s Heybrook Fire Lookout Tower Trail further down the Ridge.
For Ann’s full report click this link Friends of Heybrook Ridge Update.4.25.21


2021 Annual Meeting is April 12th 7-9 pm,  ZOOM

On April 12th, 7 to 9 pm, the Friends of Heybrook Ridge will finally hold their 2021 Annual Meeting. We will review our 2020 efforts, discuss future goals, and elect members to the Board of Directors. As always, the public is invited, and we especially encourage participants inclined to run for election (or to nominate others) to join us. This year there are six Board positions open. We will select BOD officers (including a new president) at the same meeting after the board positions have been filled. Due to the (sigh) ongoing Covid risks of in-person gatherings, this meeting will be held by Zoom—heaven help us, we’ll do our best!.

No matter your age or prior experience, if you have a desire to make a difference for our local and Sky Valley communities, please consider running for a BOD position. We meet bi-monthly, usually at a site in Index. But until conditions allow (hopefully by this summer) we will be meeting via Zoom.  If you would like to attend, please email current President Ann Darlington at anndarlington320 (at) gmail (dot.) com to be included in the 4/12/21 meeting. We hope to see you there.

For more details and the formal meeting announcement click here.


Yeehaw! The 13th Annual Heybrook Hoedown Fundraiser is coming on October 19th !

On Saturday, October 19th from 5 to 10 PM the Friends of Heybrook Ridge will again be gearing up to party and raise funds for Heybrook Ridge County Park. For more details click here.


WTA Work Party Dates in September 2019

The Washington Trails Association has scheduled two days in September on Heybrook Ridge County Park trails.  This month’s focus will be on preparing the Erinswood Trail for winter in anticipation of spreading rock in 2020. It is located in the Park’s lowland forest near the parking lot of Heybrook Ridge County Park. Future work dates will be announced here at at WTA.org.  Please sign up for a Heybrook Ridge work party by going to:

Go to: www.wta.org/volunteer/schedule
Select: In the future, Day work party, and Central Cascades
Choose a date and select: See details, Join Work Party, and register


Anonymous Donor Revealed: Conway Leovy and Family Made Heybrook Ridge County Park Possible 

While visiting Index in early July, Joanne and Jill Conway enjoyed a chat with Louise Lindgren. The sisters concurred that it was time to celebrate their father Conway for his remarkable gift in 2008 of $500,000 to the Friends of Heybrook Ridge (FOHR).  See full article here.