Money Matters

Please Donate

Your Financial Contribution Helps Us…

Money_is_trailsWe ask for your donation so that we can continue to act as the “local steward” of Heybrook Ridge County Park.

All of our work is by volunteers, so that nearly 100% of your money goes directly to work for Park development (we do have minor costs such as for brochures and mailings).

Our next major outlay will be to fund the efforts of the Washington Trail Association for trails on Heybrook Ridge.  We have requested a place in their busy schedule (see for trail design this fall and trail construction in the spring of 2014.

  • We anticipate Phase 1 of trail development to include ~2.5 miles of a looping trail extending from a trailhead off the Index-Galena Road and up the north (Index) side of the Ridge.  Current cost estimate to FOHR is up to $60,000 (we are $10,000 short of that mark now). 
  • Plans for Phase 2 focus on the flat wetland areas at the base of the north side (including a small beaver pond), with priority given to an easy walkway for children and physically challenged visitors. 
  • Phase 3 envisions a trail along the ridgetop to connect with The Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest trail to the Heybrook Lookout Tower and down the ~35 acres of the south (Highway 2) side of the Park’s property, which will open up to stunning views of the Skykomish valley, Mt. Index and the magnificent Bridal Veil Falls. 

Your donation in any amount helps us financially and inspires our volunteers to keep up the good work.