FRIENDS of HEYBROOK: We are a non-profit organization supporting Heybrook Ridge County Park. We came together in late 2006 to find a way to save the ridge from timber harvest. With funding from generous donors and cooperation of the original landowner and Cascade Land Conservancy, Snohomish County Parks and Recreation purchased approximately 130 acres for the county’s newest park. A true environmental success story!
With your help, we will continue our partnership with Heybrook Ridge and Snohomish County Parks in a support and advisory capacity, building a trail system, enlarging the park, and establishing an outdoor educational center. We welcome your comments, and participation. Please share our story with others.
Friends of Heybrook Ridge is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our Federal ID is 51-0629374. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by the law.
Winter view of Mt. Index from the top of the Leovy Trail.